State of the Environment

The ACT’s 4-yearly State of the Environment reporting is a requirement of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment Act 1993.

The report provides the ACT community and Government with commentary and analysis about the condition of the environment and progress towards sustainability.

The 2023 ACT State of the Environment Report

The 2023 ACT State of the Environment Report was tabled in the ACT Legislative Assembly on the 21st of March 2024 by the Minister for the Environment, Rebecca Vassarotti. The tabled summary report can be downloaded here. For a more engaging experience, the report has also been expanded into an interactive website that includes a diverse range of case studies and expert commentaries.

Environmental assessments and formal recommendations are made, key actions are provided to assist with ongoing management, and data gaps and policy challenges are outlined.

The 2023 report includes discussions on valuing Ngunnawal knowledge, community leadership in environmental management and advocacy, Black Summer’s impacts on the ACT, Canberra’s urban boundary, and opportunities to transition to a circular economy.

Younger readers can go to the State of the Environment websites for children and youth. These websites will soon be updated to include the 2023 ACT State of the Environment Report findings.

The formal ACT Government response to the report was tabled in the ACT Legislative Assembly on the 6th of June 2024. The Government Response can be read here.

What were some of the key findings from the 2023 ACT State of the Environment Report? Explore the videos below to find out.

State of the Environment for Kids

Environment for Kids is a website for primary school aged students that includes content on four themes – climate change, urban trees, biodiversity, and waterways. This website will soon be updated.

State of the Environment for Youth

Environment for Youth is a website for high school students that presents more comprehensive information across 10 themes with accompanying activities. This website will soon be updated.

ACT State of the Environment 2019
ACT State of the Environment 2019 – Summary
ACT State of the Environment 2015
ACT State of the Environment 2011
ACT State of the Environment 2011 – Government Response
ACT State of the Environment Report 2007/08 – Factsheet for Schools
ACT State of the Environment Report 1997

Information about archived reports available on request.