This investigation responds to Recommendation 12 of the Auditor-General’s Report No. 3/15, to evaluate restoration against ongoing management goals and report on priorities for the next decade.
It provides an update on the implementation status of all twelve recommendations from the Auditor-General’s Report, the seven recommendations from the subsequent Standing Committee on Public Accounts Report, and a broad evaluation of restoration against the key management objectives contained in the Lower Cotter Catchment Reserve Management Plan 2018.
These are:
- to protect existing and future domestic water supply,
- to conserve the natural environment, and
- to provide for public use of the areas for education, research and low impact recreation.
Additionally, to support future evaluations and statutory reporting against management objectives and actions, this report provides a framework to monitor and evaluate water quality and ecological values over time and under changing environmental and economic conditions.
The Commissioner has made recommendations, broadly relating to:
- Monitoring and Evaluation Implementation,
- Funding and Resources Commitment,
- Governance Improvements,
- Coordination of Efforts, and
- Legislative Interventions.
The ACT Government responded on 6 June 2019 with 13 of 14 recommendations agreed or agreed in principle. View the Government Response.
Click here for the full report: The Heroic and the Damned: Lower Cotter Evaluation – February 2019